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Everybody has a home, and it is the most important place we spend our time. Designing your home can be overwhelming because you want to make sure that it matches your personality while also being practical enough for everyday life. Here are some great ideas on how to design your dream home!
Written by
Allen Brown
Giovanni Gargiulo (cover image)
You must have a dream home in your mind which you have built or want to develop. If you don’t own a house yet, then it is time to start thinking about it. Dreams would be valuable if you struggle to make them valid and implement them practically.
Written by
Allen Brown
Reza Mohtashami
Inspired by greenhouses and botanical gardens, James Tralie created the “Great Indoors: Dream Backyard” series to concept residential designs that integrate seamlessly with their surroundings.
Project name
Great Indoors - Dream Backyard Series
Architecture firm
James Tralie Visualizations
Various Locations across the United States
Tools used
Blender 3D, Adobe Photoshop