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Best 30 projects have been selected in a unique project that combines education and competition, designing a socially and environmentally sustainable Year-round holiday resort of the 21st century in Croatia. Croatia competition is a part of the 8th Annual Inspireli Awards, the largest student competition in architecture in the world.
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Mariana Vahalova
Project Croatian Interlace x Miris Garden by Shivam Takulia, Anya Ghosh, Saanchi Rajpoot
After celebrating a tremendous year of product design in 2022, receiving thousands of entires from all over the world and crowning cutting-edge, visionary winners in both professional and student categories, the ePDA has now launched its 2023 edition.
Farmani Group Inc. (https://farmanigroup.com/)
Industrial and Product Design
The competition is open to design teams, studios, individual designers and students around the world
London, United Kingdom - The London International Creative Competition (LICC) is proud to announce the launch of its 2023 edition. LICC is a global platform that celebrates creativity and excellence in the arts, offering participants from all over the world a chance to showcase their work and gain international recognition.
Farmani Group Inc. (https://farmanigroup.com/)
Architecture, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Art and Product Design
The competition is open to both experienced designers and new, exciting artists. We want to be the platform that honours great creativity in all its forms, introducing unique, extraordinary, talents to an international audience
The 25th anniversary edition of the “Bathroom Design 2023”competition to design a public toilet has just been launched. It is organised by Geberit. Since its inception, the competition has drawn attention to the challenging issue of public toilets in Poland.
Geberit sp. z o.o., ul. Postępu 1, 02-676 Warsaw
Architecture, Interior Design, The conceptual design of the facility with public toilet function
Open to public. This is an open contest, and any adult natural persons with full legal capacity and place of residence in Poland, in another Member State of the European Union, or in Ukraine or Belarus shall be eligible to participate, provided that their submitted works will not be related to their business activity and will not be produced as part of their business. Employees, associates, and representatives of the Organizer and the Partner, individuals involved in the organization of the Contest, as well as their close family members shall not be eligible for the Contest. The close family member shall be understood as: the spouse, ascendants, descendants, siblings, relatives in the same line or degree, adoptive persons and their spouses, as well as cohabitants. The Organizer reserves the right to request written statements from the Contest Participants to confirm that the aforesaid conditions have been met
Participants are to design a Tiny Library optimized for 75 users with engaging multifunctional spaces for all ages and spatial experience. The Tiny Library would be equipped with traditional reading material along with modern formats like ebooks, audiobooks, audio-visual books etc.
Volume Zero Competitions
Architecture, Interior Design
Open to public
YAC - Young Architects Competitions , in collaboration with the ESA Topical Team On Planetary Caves, launches  MOON STATION, a challenging competition of ideas aiming to imagine  the first moon research base.
YAC srl
Each team must include at least one member aged under 35