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Are you in the market for a new air conditioner? If so, you're not alone. Air conditioners are one of the most popular appliances in the world. And with good reason - they keep us cool and comfortable during the hot summer months. If you're thinking about buying an air conditioner, or if you already have one and want to learn how to maintain it, re...
Written by
Allen Brown
Max Vakhtbovych
Choosing a suitable air conditioning system for your home can be complex, but adequate research makes buying a breeze. To get your money's worth and a cooling system that performs optimally, check for the unit type you need and factors like the unit's size, cooling capacity, and energy efficiency. Additionally, consulting a reputable AC service pro...
Written by
Catherine Park
Max Vakhtbovych
Sometimes, the weather can be unpredictable in Springdale. During such periods, residents will not want to be caught unawares with any sudden temperature change. If the temperature begins to peak out of the blue, we expect our air conditioner to come to the rescue.
Written by
Andrea Estrada
Max Vakhtbovych
If you are living in an urban area where traffic is always bumper-to-bumper or there are industrial parks where fumes and smoke pollute the air, then you are well within your rights to invest in the best air purifiers for your home. It could also be that the summer month isn’t favoring you.
Written by
Allen Brown
Thrasher Group (Cover image), Annie Spratt