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Sculptural Silk & Stone Facades by Mohammad Qasim Iqbal

Mohammad Qasim Iqbal
Nottingham Trent University
Tools used:
Project name:
Sculptural Silk & Stone Facades
April 2023
Design year:
Built area:
Site area:
Concept - Design
AI Architecture, Futuristic

Mohammad Qasim Iqbal: With Midjourney's latest version 5 model, I embarked on a journey to rediscover the silk and stone tectonics that I had previously explored. The software bridges the gap between the creative flair of the version 3 model and the realism of the version 4 model, enabling me to create a refined and cohesive output.

My original concept was inspired by the intricacies of baroque facades, particularly those by Borromini and Bernini. I delved into the undulating walls, dynamic compositions, and theatrical facades that characterised their work. To blur the lines between silk and stone, rigidity and fluidity, architecture and fashion, I paired these features with a tensile fabric material. The resulting images created a fantasy realm that elegantly executed this idea, surprising viewers with the unexpected interplay between the contrasting materials.

The exchange and tension between the opposing qualities of the façade particularly fascinated me, and I found myself exploring this concept even further. By introducing allegorical sculptural features to the series, drawing from my exploration of a separate theme, I aimed to animate the facades and heighten their theatrical presence. These figures also played a key role in blurring the lines between sculpture and human figures, adding to the intrigue and surprising nature of the images.

The interplay between silk and stone materials creates a blurring effect that encourages viewers to take a closer look. The use of AI has enabled me to produce increasingly realistic manifestations of these facades, which are informed by history and add something new to the world. By creating complex and intricate images like this, we can inform and educate, developing architecture with AI as a valuable tool in this progression.

It is vital to recognise the use of artificial intelligence as a valuable tool in architecture and other creative disciplines. By doing so, we can take more control over its use, ensuring its usefulness and effectiveness in developing innovative designs. 

By Liliana Alvarez

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ida maria pan -
Sublime! Ai miei occhi ed a mio parere, caro Mohammad, questa tua creazione e' un Trionfo di Bellezza. Con la P maiuscola, secondo me la tua creazione ti merita il titolo di 'Poeta della Materia'.
ida maria pan -
Sublime! Ai miei occhi ed a mio parere, caro Mohammad, questa tua creazione e' un Trionfo di Bellezza. Con la P maiuscola, secondo me la tua creazione ti merita il titolo di 'Poeta della Materia'.
ida maria pan -
Oggi e' Sabato, 7 aprile 2023i l mondo piange, par essere come avvolto da una coltre di plumbea energia negativa; molti tra gli homo sapiens hanno perso la bussola. Armi, guerre, disastri, lotte di potere ovunque per mano nostra come specie e pure da parte della Natura.
ida maria pan -
Ero triste e lo sono ancora ma nel vedere le tue immagini ho trovato conforto. Si vedo una sublimazione del Borromini, Bellini, Michelangelo anche Gaudi e ZahaHadid. Sembra che universo si ribelli nel vedere che l uomo/donna umano/a stia contemporaneamente facendo Quantum Leaps tecnologiche e camminando all'indietro nell abbandono della sua umanita' .
ida maria pan -
POSSA L'ARTE Bella come la tua, essere anche grazie all hitech diventare la forza che ci salva. Bravo, grazie mi aiuti a credere in un futuro migliore. IdaMariaPan idealeconcepts idealistamagica impXYZ idaXYZ

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