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INSPIRELI Schindler's Ark Competition Announces Finalists: Honoring Legacy and Shaping the Future

Written by:
Marina Vahalova
Courtesy of INSPIRELI AWARDS, Ark_finalist_Ana Belén Juárez, Emilia Gutiérrez González

The prestigious INSPIRELI Schindler's Ark Competition has proudly announced its finalists, showcasing remarkable talent from around the world. Out of 243 participants, representing 28 countries, 150 visionary projects were submitted, culminating in the selection of 30 outstanding finalists. These projects exemplify innovative design and a deep respect for history, competing to redefine the future of the Schindler’s Ark premises in Brnenec, Czech Republic.

The INSPIRELI AWARDS is the largest student architectural competition in the world, annually hosting over 1,100 projects. Schindler's Ark Competition, one of the INSPIRELI's most significant and emotionally charged challenges, asked participants to design a dignified "Museum of Survivors" that preserves the legacy of Oskar Schindler’s heroic efforts during WWII. Additionally, contestants were tasked with conceptualizing a business hub and educational spaces in the Northern area and a sustainable living center with senior housing in the Southern area of Schindler's Ark premises, the former textile factory.

The proposed memorial, museum, and business hub are envisioned not merely as structures, but as living monuments—honoring the memory of survivors and promoting their stories to future generations. The designs are being carefully evaluated for their architectural merit, historical sensitivity, and sustainable innovation.

As the competition enters its final phase, these 30 finalists will now be evaluated by a distinguished panel of judges, including renowned architects, Tugendhad and Low-Beer family members, and the original book’s writer T. Keneally. The winning design will be announced later this year, marking a significant milestone in the preservation and transformation of this historic site.

INSPIRELI is proud to facilitate this international collaboration, fostering global dialogue and innovative thinking in the field of architecture. For more information on the finalists and the competition, please visit Schindler’s Ark Finalists page.

Ark finalist Evgenia Finodeeva

By Naser Nader Ibrahim

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