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Walking in the city of Chongqing, you will always feel there are endless stairs to climb, obstacles to overcome. This is perhaps what they call "Three meters above one's head, there are people." Just as within the 2006 square meters of MUUUR, ARCHIHOPE's design team have constructed mountain stairs in a metal jungle.
Project name
Chongqing Muer MUUUR Music Live
Architecture firm
Jiaochangkou, Yuzhong District, Chongqing, China
Wu Jianquan
The project consists of an outdoor auditorium for 12,000 people , a concert hall for 3,500 people , six live houses ("whales") , five restaurants connected by a walkway, two towers with an office program, a museum and rehearsal rooms, a center of exhibitions and a series of parks and walks that connect the entire intervention.
Project name
Kaohsiung Pop Music Center
Architecture firm
Manuel Monteserin
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Shun Chen, Chen Li Hsiien, Yi-Hsien Lee, Darren Teng, Chiung-Yao Tseng, Chien Ming Chen, Chen Hung, Ian Choi, Kano Chang, Lo Ruey-Lin, Su, Bo-An, Nicolas Leng冷家豪, Yi-Hsien Lee, Monteserin, Ian Choi, Terry Chiang 江彥駐, Yu-Zhi Lin, Kevin Lin