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The House is located in Whistler, Canada overlooking Alta Lake, the house serves as a holiday house. Taking advantage of the slope the volume is crafted from the topology lines with a green roof blend the house with the landscape surrounding.

The residence, which is defined by strong geometry and emphasizes linearity in both horizontal and vertical directions, is in perfect accord with the family's refined taste and requirements in every aspect. While sitting in a traditional neighborhood in a busy metropolis, the house in Coimbatore makes a bold identity for itself by combining a variety of design elements.

An interior design project for the futuristic library in London. The concept of the library breaks free from the rigid aisles and shelving of libraries and accommodates more open - free-flowing spaces for reading, interaction, collaboration, and meeting.

This house is designed for a designer couple who want their working environment to be an integral part of their daily routine in this house. For that reason, the house is built upon 2 major functions. A home office is located on the first and semi‐basement floor, while residential area is placed on the level above it.

The concept of lean building has emerged strongly in recent years. It enables builders and owners to achieve more with less. Projects that follow the approach match the quality, timeliness, and budget specifications. There is less wastage, and client satisfaction is imperative.

Let us introduce you to our latest project in Dilijan. The interior distinguishes with its unusual and nonstandard design. The use of natural wooden furniture in this interior creates comfort and effortless feeling

Grey volume between branches and rocks in Ecuador. In the deep silence of that mountain, we observed as intruders a dialogue between elements where an atmosphere of gravity was breathed, and the changing shadows of dawn were felt.

The high-line rising up is the yearning of mankind for the sky. Karv One Design has created a floating urban center-"Metropolis".