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Top 4 Ways To Improve Your Garden

Written by:
Allen Brown
Veronica Reverse

Gardening is a favorite activity for many, providing a great opportunity to relax in nature and enjoy the beauty of plants. If you are looking to improve your garden, there are a variety of things you can do! From adding compost to planting more colorful flowers, these top four tips will help you take your garden from average to magnificent.

1. Invest in Quality Soil 

As a gardener, investing in quality soil is paramount. Quality soil will help ensure that your plants stay healthy and thrive over time. Investing in good compost can also go a long way toward improving the health of your garden. Compost helps to aerate the soil, retain moisture, and provide essential nutrients for your plants.

2. Remove Dangerous Trees

When planning your garden, it’s important to consider the trees that you want in the area. While trees can provide shade and beauty to a garden, they can also be dangerous. Trees with weak branches or those that are infested by insects can become hazardous during strong winds and storms, so it’s important to remove them before they cause any damage. Additionally, there are companies that provide people with emergency tree removal services if an old tree suddenly becomes dangerous. It’s important to keep your garden safe and free from danger, so be sure to get rid of any trees that may cause harm.

3. Choose the Right Plants for Your Garden 

Since your garden’s success is largely determined by the plants you choose, it’s important to be selective. If you’re new to gardening, pick hardy plants that are easy to care for and that can handle a variety of conditions. You may also want to look for drought-tolerant or native varieties, as these will often require less watering and maintenance than other varieties. 

And, research plants for their soil and light requirements, so you can make sure you’re planting in the right place. It's also important to consider how much maintenance a plant requires; some may need pruning or deadheading on a regular basis. 

4. Use Mulch to Retain Moisture and Block Weeds 

One way to improve a garden is to use mulch. Mulch helps retain moisture in the ground and stops weeds from taking over your flower beds. It also adds nutrients to the soil as it breaks down over time. When applying mulch, be sure not to spread it too thickly, which can cause oxygen deprivation and water loss from the soil. Mulch should be applied carefully around the plants to ensure it doesn't smother them.

Also, make sure to use mulch that is appropriate for the type of plant you are growing; many types of organic mulches like wood chips or shredded leaves can be used while other materials like plastic sheeting should not be used because they will prevent air and water from getting to the plants. By applying mulch correctly, you can ensure that your garden stays healthy and lush for years to come.

You can find mulch for sale at your local gardening store or online, making it easy to choose the best option for your garden. It's important to note that there are various types of mulch available in the market. Some common types include organic mulches like wood chips, straw, and compost, as well as inorganic mulches like rubber mulch and gravel.

Leach Botanical Garden, Portland, Oregon, by Land Morphology features a dramatic tree walk and a pollinator meadowLeach Botanical Garden, Portland, Oregon, by Land Morphology features a dramatic tree walk and a pollinator meadow. Image © Land Morphology

In the end, using mulch is an effective way to improve a garden. Not only will it reduce the number of weeds, but it can also help retain moisture and add additional nutrients to the soil. It's important to choose the right type of mulch for your plants and to use it correctly so that it won't smother them. By following these steps, you can ensure that your garden is as healthy and beautiful as possible.

By Liliana Alvarez

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