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The Importance of Proper HVAC Installation in Residential Architecture

Written by:
Catherine Park
Sprinter Lucio


HVAC units are crucial installations that control a home’s comfort throughout the year. This system regulates the humidity and temperature levels of your home while improving the indoor air quality.

However, what most people don’t understand is that the experience level of their installer and the quality of their systems can never be underestimated. That’s because the contractor can either lower or increase your monthly utility bills, while leaving you with some costly or no repairs. The only way you can keep your utility bills low is by hiring the best HVAC near me installer to incorporate a system into your home’s architecture. A proper HVAC installation will improve your home in the following ways.

Efficient Energy Use

The Energy Department claims that the HVAC accounts for over half of the household utility bills. They also claim that a properly installed system can reduce your household’s utility bills by approximately 30%. A properly installed system won’t be strained when cooling or warming your home, so you’ll never have to worry about costly repairs.

Make sure the contractor attaches different HVAC components properly, seals air ducts and makes sure they’re not obstructed. This will reduce your home’s monthly utility bills and carbon footprint.

Improve Air Quality

Most high-quality HVACs come with a unique  purification and filtration system that can deliver uncontaminated air into your home. When installed properly and maintained regularly, the HVAC filters can prevent viruses, bacteria, and dust particles contaminating your space. They also dilute the indoor pollutants every time they blow fresh air into your home.

On the other hand, a poorly installed system cannot trap pollen or dilute the contaminated air in your home. Instead, it will contaminate your home, further leaving your family exposed to various harmful microorganisms and pollen.

Temperature Control

A proper installation can guarantee that cold air won’t creep into your home in winter through the leaking seals. You won’t have to deal with various hot and cold regions that can make your home unbearable. An obstructed air duct can also prevent fresh air from entering your home, resulting in high temperatures. Make sure all the air ducts are sealed and unblocked before the contractor leaves your premises.

Noise Reduction

An HVAC system produces three types of noises (airflow, vibrational, and mechanical noise). However, when installed, the only noise you may have to deal with is the mechanical noise produced by the fans. An experienced installer will even use a soundproof blanket to reduce these noises.

When installed poorly, the fans can be noisier, resulting in the air vent vibrating too much. If the air ducts leak, you’ll have to deal with turbulence noise. Other causes of HVAC noises include clogged filters, loose parts, damaged fan motors, and worn-out parts.

Longevity and Maintenance

When properly installed, the HVAC won’t overwork, so its part won’t wear out faster. This means it can comfortably serve you for between 15 and 25 years, but you’ll have to maintain the system once yearly. A professionally installed system should only be maintained once per year. This eliminates costly repairs and high utility bills.


The only way an HVAC system can maintain your indoor environment is if it’s installed correctly. An experienced installer will help keep the noises and wear and tear low while leaving you with good air quality and a lower utility bill. You also won’t have to worry about dealing with hot and cold regions in your home. If you’re allergic to pollen, your home can be your haven in spring and fall.

By Liliana Alvarez

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