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How to Improve Old Buildings

Written by:
Alec Neufeld
Daniel Rauber

We all know how beautiful old buildings can be. Many are alive with character and have a rich history that should be kept preserved for as long as possible. But what happens when these old buildings come with problems? This can be anything from damp issues and eroding walls to an inability to retain heat. If you have invested in a beautiful old building or have bought one as your home and you want to know how you can improve them without taking away all the things that make them so unique, then read this piece to find out what you can do!

A Fine Balance of Heat and Ventilation

Many of us know that old buildings can be extremely drafty and can really set a chill in the longer you stay in them, which is great for fresh air and ventilation around the rooms but much less so for warmth! Because of this, older buildings have far fewer damp issues than the modern houses we have to deal with today. While it is great that we have an intense focus on insulation and keeping the heat in, this is what also traps all of the moisture, causing mold and other damp issues to arise. If you are installing a traditional heating system in an old house, then it is important to find a balance between sealing up any drafty spots, keeping the warm air circulating, and also making sure moisture has a place to escape. Radiator placement could be important to this, so make sure to get advice from the experts at Warm Rooms before you start making any plans.

Repair the Cracks

One of the most important aspects of maintaining an old building is to keep up with repairs. The last thing you want is to let an issue get out of hand. This could not only compromise your building depending on what the issue is, but it could also cost you an arm and a leg to get it fixed. Repairing cracks, gaps, and other problems as you go will help you keep your costs down and help keep your home functioning as best as possible. If you find your home to be colder than usual, check for gaps around the windows and the doors. You could either fill them and leave them or adopt a more modern-day solution for better results, such as using a sealer or investing in some double glazing. Northampton residents will often opt for the latter as they find it has a much better impact on their home. With greater energy efficiency and reduced noise pollution. If you're considering double glazing in Northampton, you'll not only enhance your home's insulation but also preserve the aesthetic appeal of your old building with modern functionality. This step can be a game-changer in improving the comfort and value of your property.

Get Traditional

If you do have to make some repairs around your home, sometimes the best route to pick is the traditional one. If you are able to consult with some experts on maintaining traditional properties, they will be able to advise you on the original building and how you can maintain it true to its nature. There are also many resources on the internet if you want to do your research first, and these can be especially useful if you know a significant amount about your property.


Author's bio

Alec Neufeld's extensive background in the construction trade fuels his passion for alternative energy and green building methods. A retired builder, he now enjoys a freelance writing career, alongside helping people as a general contractor.

By Liliana Alvarez

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