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How to Choose the Best Architecture Thesis Topic for You

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Bronwyn Leigh
Graphic Mindbd

In the final semester of architectural school, a student is given their first opportunity to create a design brief. After four years of working with faculty to develop detailed briefs and doing routine projects as assigned by the course curriculum, it's finally time to choose your own topic.

The task of selecting the right topic for your architecture thesis is as exciting as it may sound. Jurors are not only judging your final design; they also evaluate the intention, creativity and degree of research that went into your topic. We gathered tips from a custom thesis writing service and our editors to provide this article to you.

Here are a couple of tips for choosing an architectural thesis that will help you to succeed in your entire thesis adventure!

1. You may have interests other than architecture

What other interests do you have besides architecture? You may be passionate about film, politics, business, history, technology, etc. If this is the case, you should choose a subject that combines your passions with architectural design.

For instance, a student interested in social welfare and community development can choose to design a Social Development Centre. A student who is interested in business, technology and innovation could design a Startup Center. The building would act as an incubator for ideas and support business growth.

It is important to have an in-depth understanding of the topic you are designing. A strong passion for the subject will also keep you motivated.

2. What are your future plans?

While you're looking for a position as a young architect, your architectural dissertation will be a highlight in your portfolio. If you want to explore different materials and construction methods, rather than pursue projects that use mainstream techniques, then your thesis should reflect this.

Thesis on a Bamboo Research Centre demonstrates the style and interests of students and helps them to land a position in a design firm that has a similar philosophy.

3. Be Open To New Ideas

Often, when we begin with one topic in mind and research it and prepare for it, something else comes to our attention. Don't limit your interests to the first thing you think of! Study different topics, or different aspects within the same topic before settling on something. You can present your faculty with more than one possible topic and learn their opinions.

You will be working on it for the whole semester, so don't rush to make a choice without sufficient research.

4. Do not be influenced what others think!

When choosing a subject, students often give in to peer pressure. Students might choose topics that sound intellectual, unique, and of monumental scope. It is good to strive for excellence, but don't let others' opinions of what a thesis should sound or look like overshadow your interests.

At its core, the thesis of architect Chris Precht was about designing a public libraries. His design is where he showcased his creativity, originality and uniqueness without worrying about his topic.

5. Use Your Learnings in Architecture School

The thesis represents everything you have learned as an architecture student. It reflects both your style and what it is that you believe as an architect. You may not realise that everything you learned during architecture school - from the bamboo workshops to the seminars on sustainable building technology to computational designs courses - contributed to your design.

Consider what you learned over the past four-years and which activities you enjoyed the most. How can you make the most of your skills and knowledge in order to create something uniquely you? Analyse yourself and your interests to find a theme that best reflects your architectural style.

6. Solve an Actual Problem

Architects can have a huge impact on environmental and social issues. They may not realize it, but they do. As a budding Architect, you should make an effort to design solutions that address real problems. The thesis is an excellent time to develop your commitment towards making a change.

7. Challenge Yourself!

Although it's a good idea for you to choose a topic that plays to your strengths, remember that the architectural thesis will be your most intense learning experience. You should not limit yourself by choosing a topic that is comfortable for you. Instead, choose something challenging and rewarding.

The thesis you write is more than just an academic assignment. It's an opportunity to grow as an Architect. The task of choosing a thesis topic for an undergraduate architecture degree can be intimidating, but remember to have fun.

If you are passionate about what you do, you will never go wrong!

By Liliana Alvarez

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