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Drastically Cut Back on Your Utility Expenses by Taking These Steps

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Allen Brown

Among the things that separate us from other animals is our need and urge to be efficient with our resources. This does not mean that other animals, plants, and microorganisms are not efficient with their resources, far from it. Mother nature has created beautiful and intriguing biochemical processes that make all of these life forms very efficient at using their surroundings.

However, the same mother nature also created certain urges in our brains that want us to be more efficient with the tools we have. However, following these urges of ours is not always easy and it is not always a one-sided story when it comes to utilities. With this short guide, let’s see how you can drastically cut back on your utility expenses.

Comparing prices

With so many options to choose from, one might choose whatever source for their electricity and heating. However, whether you want to compare electricity rates in Dallas, NYC, Chicago, or whatever city, you need to take a look at the subtle differences. You may not have the time of the day to do it on your own, but there are comparison websites to help you with this task. With only a few clicks, you will see how much money you can save when you choose a plan wisely.

Thermostat management

Poor thermostat management can be a huge money sink. It’s important to know the house rules when using a thermostat and tell that to others as well. If you just leave the thermostat to warm or chill a room that no one is using, you are wasting money.

A lot of people just put it on and do not think about the thermostat later because it is much more convenient that way. However, a reminder to manage your thermostat always comes later when you see the bills. By being more up-to-date with your thermostat with some notes as reminders, you can save a lot of money.


With proper thermostat management and insulation, you can optimize your savings to a whole new level. Insulation is there to keep the warmth or cool air in the room after you turn off the thermostat.

With it, it will take less time to heat or chill up the place and it will take more for it to equilibrate with the surroundings. Even though proper insulation may be a big cost upfront, it will pay itself off when you manage the thermostat properly.

Appliance management

We are all guilty of leaving something running even when it is not to be turned on. We all have that one house appliance that we really do not bother with turning off. However, it’s important to work on this bad habit of ours if we want to cut back on utility expenses.

Make a list of all of your appliances that you need to check if they are on or off and stick to the list. When you turn a house appliance off, turn it off completely by also pulling the cord. This will mean a lot for cutting down the costs and this extra task will pay off.

Water management

The principle is the same as appliance management, we are all guilty of not being efficient. Do you really need to have water running the whole time when you are taking a shower? Or, do you need it running all the time when you are watering your plants? These are the small things that amount to lots of water being used over time, thus increasing your bills. By limiting this poor management that we all do sometimes, you will save both money and the planet.

Efficient appliances

Not all house appliances are made equally, some are made with more efficient power usage. For example, LED light bulbs are much better for the bills than the regular light bulbs. Some stoves are also much better at conducting electricity for generating heat than others. 

Some charging stations are also more efficient at conducting electricity and charging up your devices. It is important to take a look at these efficient appliances and buy them if you want to lower your bills.

These steps were selected because they are most efficient at cutting back your costs with minimal effort. When it comes to cutting back on some costs, it is important to think about other things you are sacrificing for these costs.

Nothing comes for free in this world, but some exchanges are more worth it than others, and these ones are. When saving up money becomes extreme by putting in a lot of time just to save pennies, it is not worth it. These steps on the other hand do not take a lot of your time, but the money you get is very much worth it.

By Liliana Alvarez

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