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This 10-story twin tower on the banks of the Huangpu River in Shanghai is a clear-cut center-core office building. The cantilevered structure extends 9.7 meters from the center core to the curtain wall exterior, and the glass exterior of the entrance hall is set back 3 meters from the perimeter wall.
Project name
LINES in Shanghai
Architecture firm
SAKO Architects
Shanghai, China
YuMing Song
This is a complex facility for a library and day service for the elderly built in a small rural town. Since the site faces a residential street and the surrounding environment is miscellaneous, windows on the perimeter were kept to the minimum necessary. This was also effective in improving thermal insulation performance and ensuring the quietness...
Project name
SQUARES in Tianshui
Architecture firm
SAKO Architects
Tianshui, China
Luo Juncai, YuMing Song