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  3. Tan Xiaozhong
Returning to the essence of eternal wonder, nurturing vitality, and shedding common troubles to be free from worries. This embodies the essence of "returning" that Shuiguo 2.0 advocates, rooted in primal purity and distant from worldly distractions. As Water Encased becomes a lifestyle.
Project name
Shanghai Shuiguo · Tangquan Life (Wujiaochang Store)
Architecture firm
DJX Design Studio
Block E, 111 Songhu Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai, China
Tan Xiaozhong, Wu Hehongquan. Video: Mingze
Zishan Lake Peninsula, a suburban resort area located just over an hour's drive from Wuhan. As a multifunctional dining and wine space in the community of Zishanhu New Town, Lit Time was transformed from the reception lobby of the Sweet Box Hotel, originally located at the window of the Zishan Lake Peninsula.
Project name
United Investment Zishan Jun - Lit Time
Architecture firm
Fun Connection
Xianning, Hubei Province, China
Tan Xiaozhong

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