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Parquet flooring, with its intricate patterns and timeless appeal, has been a key player in home interior design for centuries. Originating in 16th century France, parquet has evolved from its noble beginnings to become a symbol of elegance and sophistication in modern day homes.
Written by
Kim Clary
Innovative exterior shutter designs are redefining the façade of modern homes. They’re no longer just functional elements but key components of architectural expression. As technology advances, we can expect even more creative and efficient designs in the future.
Written by
Eva Reynolds
Dmitrii Pridannikov
Are you looking for architectural design inspirations to give your home a modern makeover? We have compiled an extensive list of the top and trending architectural styles for modern homes to help inspire you. From industrial chic, minimalism, and traditional farmhouse style, learn more about the beautiful visual elements each aesthetic has to offer...
Written by
Allen Brown
Outsite Co