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An international team of architects designed a playground for modern sartorialists where high-end fashion meets art and design. Tons is located in East Liberty and the building itself is a two-story mansion with moderate facade embellishments that used to be an atelier. Inside, is a spacious and light-filled interior that now hosts a multifunctiona...
Project name
Architecture firm
5935 Baum Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Ekaterina Izmestieva, Alexandra Ribar
The Rain Catcher is a vision for a detached house built out of a 3D-Printed shell in crude earth or mixed compounds, filled with eco-friendly materials. The design envisages a design that would:
Project name
The Rain Catcher
Architecture firm
Tactus Design Workshop
United Kingdom
Tools used
Blender, NanoCAD, Gimp, Inkscape, Scribus