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An international treasure on the UNESCO World Heritage List, Fallingwater is a total work of art. This book, an exciting new look at a masterpiece, is a revelation for the first time seen here in its fullness.
Fallingwater: Living With and In Art
Edited by Justin Gunther and Scott W. Perkins, Photographs by Dave Bryce, Contributions by Donald Albrecht and Jeannine Falino and James Oles and Jennifer Way and Charlotte Ashby and Rebecca Hagen
Architecture - Individual Architects & Firms - Monographs
Architecture is one of the most fascinating fields in human development. It marks the human expression of vision and creativity through concrete, steel, stones, and other materials used in construction, each of which plays a significant part in the realization of the plan. Every building and structure comes with inspiration and gives architects a c...
Written by
Liliana Alvarez
Yuhan Du