DESIGN SKILL MAGAZINE, on behalf of ADC, proudly presents the winners of the Design Skill Awards 2024! Now in its second edition, the awards continue to honour creativity in its many forms, celebrating 110 exceptional winners from 26 countries.
Written by
Elizabeth Ross
Ciklik Y Vargas Arquitectos, Mexico
Elegance meets innovation in the second edition of the Design Skill Awards! Are you ready to elevate your design journey to new heights? Open to everyone from well-respected design firms to emerging solo innovators, the Design Skill Awards acknowledge the full spectrum of creative excellence from various corners of the world.
Architecture & Design
Everyone from the globe, professionals and students
Awards & Prizes
Certificate of Achivement, personalized logo, award trophy, a fratured spot on our homepage, exclusive landing page, opportunity to grace the covers of future ADC Awards publications
Entries deadline
30 August 2024
Early bird - $120. Advance - $140. Standard - $160. Extended - $180. Late - $200