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The Volzhsky Pipe Plant (part of the Pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK)) is one of the largest pipe plants in southern Russia. In the course of large-scale modernisation of the plant, the company's management decided to create a new spectacular image of Pipe Rolling Shop No. 2
Project name
Modernization of Pipe Press Shop No. 2 of the Volzhsky Pipe Plant
Architecture firm
Architectural Bureau Osetskaya.Salov
Volzhsky city, Volgograd region, Russia
Daniel Annenkov
The project for the renovation of the historical city centre of Zaraysk was included in the list of "10 best public spaces in Russia 2019", according to independent Russian urban blogger Ilya Varlamov. It was important for the architects of the bureau not only to create a comfortable environment for locals and tourists but also to emphasize the his...
Project name
Renovation of the historical centre of Zaraysk
Architecture firm
Basis architectural bureau
Zaraysk (Moscow Region)
Daniel Annenkov