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Modular design concepts take inspiration from the efficient and adaptable structure of honeycombs, incorporating hexagonal patterns and multifunctional compartments into architectural and interior designs. This approach emphasizes flexibility, sustainability, and optimal space utilization. Efficient Space Usage: Like honeycomb cells, modular design...
Project name
Modular Honey Homes
Architecture firm
Kowsar Noroozi
Tools used
Midjourney AI, Adobe Photoshop
Nestled within the coastal forests of New Zealand, Zenith Grove emerges as a beacon of architectural innovation and sustainable design. This small forest residence, delicately perched atop a tree, represents a harmonious fusion of futuristic aesthetics and organic forms, redefining the boundaries of contemporary living.
Project name
Zenith Grove
Architecture firm
Masoumeh Aghazade
Coromandel Forest, New Zealand
Tools used
Midjourney AI, Adobe Photoshop