This industrial warehouse is located in Águeda, Portugal, in an area without any architectural references and surrounded by forest. With no relevant references and a layout which consists of a warehouse area for finished product storage, a cargo area and office space, the proposal is intended to reflect the simplicity of the solution, given the sim...
Project name
Planstone Industrial Pavilion
Architecture firm
Paulo Martins Arquitectura & Design
Águeda, Portugal
IVo Tavares Studio
The main idea behind designing this project was to define a new definition for the relationship between the architecture and nature. This project tries to break the conventional description of the border by merging itself in the context. The architecture has been utterly melted in the forest,...
The Iranian Architect Mohammad Reza Kohzadi from mrk office has recenty designed "Aqua Land that located in Vanoosh, Mazandaran province, Iran.  Project description by architect: The project sites elongation and the need for a connection between the main street and the sea made it necessary to...


Zoncuantla Apartments in Coatepec, Mexico by Rafael Pardo Arquitectos