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Make Your Home Tidier With These Home Improvement Tips

Written by:
Allen Brown
Natalia Lavrinenko (Cover image), Dan Counsell

After a tedious day at the office, everyone wants to come back home to a tidy space full of peace and love. That is, after all, what homes are supposed to be. However, your home can only be as loving and peaceful as you make it to be. 

People who take their time to tidy up their houses enjoy fresh and attractive spaces that are as healthy as they are gorgeous. On the other end, individuals who ignore their homes usually reach a point where they would do almost anything to avoid staying indoors. If this describes you, then read on to find out how you can transform the chaotic clutter that is your house into a heavenly space.

     1. Make Cleaning A Daily Routine

We cannot talk about making your home tidier without mentioning the crucial role that cleaning plays. Don’t wait until the sink is flooding with dirty dishes to start cleaning. This is unhygienic and totally unnecessary.

Make it a habit to clean your dishes as soon as possible. For smaller meals like breakfast, snacks, and a light lunch, put the utensils in the dishwasher as soon as you are done. 

This may not be possible with dinner since the meal usually leaves behind lots of dirty dishes. You should, nonetheless, try your best to clean up before going to bed. This will keep your kitchen looking and feeling fresh. It also helps with small pests control.

Various insects and rodents are attracted to leftover food and dirty dishes. By cleaning up, you reduce their chances of invading your home and causing chaos. Do your homework to learn some more about the DIY pest control process and understand the big impact of cleaning in this ordeal. Keeping your home tidy goes a long way in making it a healthy and comfortable place to live.

     2. Create A Place For Everything

To bring order to your home, you must create a designated area for everything you have. This is especially important for commonly used items like shoes (both indoor and outdoor shoes), keys, remotes, trashcan, etc.

Having a place for everything will make your home look neat, plus it reduces the annoying experience of trying to find misplaced items.

It may sound obvious, but clothes too need a designated area. It’s also good to divide your closet into multiple sections and arrange your apparel based on usage patterns. Even more important is being disciplined enough to put each piece of cloth where it belongs.

Upgrading your home is much easier than most people think. A quick search on DIY home improvement ideas will give you all the inspiration you need to get your home organized. You’ll find tips and guides on how to build a storage section at the entrance of your home for items like your shoes and baskets. You’ll also see some contemporary closet ideas that can improve the organization of your clothes.

     3. Consider Changing The Color Scheme Of Your Home

It’s possible your home looks and feels chaotic because there is too much going on on the walls and ceiling. This happens a lot when you make a terrible choice with your interior color scheme. It’s also possible that you bought new pieces of furniture that ended up clashing with the existing decor. Whatever the case, a simple change in color scheme can restore the much-needed sanity and beauty in your home.

One way of improving interior design is by utilizing neutral color schemes. These will blend perfectly with whatever sofas, carpet, coffee tables, and tv stands you have.

Another key advantage of neutral hues is they are cost-effective in the long term. This is especially true when dealing with floors, furniture, and other fixtures that are typically expensive to upgrade.

If repainting your interior is too expensive and time-consuming, try wallpapers. These are every bit as effective, yet they’ll only take a fraction of the budget. The perfect example is peel-and-stick wallpapers which are very budget-friendly. They are also available in a multitude of designs that will breathe life into your home. Applying them is also as easy as peeling the wallpaper and sticking it to the wall.

     4. Kitchen Cabinet Upgrades

kitchen cabinet design image © Dan Counsell 

This is yet another affordable yet impactful improvement that’s guaranteed to enhance your life in the kitchen. 

Drawer organizers will help you separate the small items used in your kitchen. This makes finding the pieces you need when cooking much easier. It’ll also keep your countertops tidy, and as we all know, there is nothing as welcoming as a kitchen with clear countertops and a clean empty sink!

Take note that drawer organizers are not helpful in the kitchen alone. You can literally use them anywhere in the house where you have drawers or cabinets. The organizers come in different sizes and designs, so it’s pretty easy to find the perfect fit for the drawers in your bathroom, bedroom, and other places.

When all is said and done, your discipline will determine how successful you are in keeping your home tidy. That’s why setting some house rules is critical. Lead by example and teach your kids to place their shoes, bags, dirty laundry, etc., at the appropriate places.

Luckily, humans are creatures of habit, so after following these routines for some time, it’ll naturally grow on you.

By Liliana Alvarez

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