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6 Artistic Ways to Decorate Your Blank Walls

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Walls speak of your personality – it does not matter whether you live in a big or small apartment. What you do with your walls influences the way your home looks. Admittedly, many people have had a complicated relationship with blank walls.

If you have a means of adding bold furniture, printed rugs and other objects to fill the space, you can go with a blank wall. But otherwise, let’s face it: blank walls look boring, and there are so many possibilities to enhance the feel of it.

Allow me to introduce 7 artistic ways to decorate your walls. From custom artwork to irresistible wallpaper, I have got a list you won’t be able to overlook.

1. Turn Family Photos to Art

No wallpapers? That’s okay ‘cause you got something better. You may have loads of family photos lying somewhere in a photo album. Make use of them.

Pull them out and have them turned into Custom Family Portraits. There isn’t a lot to do. Just choose your favorite picture, get in touch with Portraitflip.com and let them hand-paint it for you. You can choose anything from a Classic Oil Portrait to a more humorous Royal Portrait. But the art piece will definitely give a statement to your walls.

And what is better than proudly hanging your Family Photo – it is, after all, who you are.

2. Add Drama with Lights

The next best thing you can do to your blank walls is to play with all sorts of LEDs. Lights have an innate quality of making a room appear lively.

You can go for simple LED strips at the back of your furniture, television or on the borders of your wall. Alternatively, you can get custom LED lights that come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Perhaps you can use your initials, name or any other design that you prefer.

A perfectly lit wall will add a lot of drama to your walls and instantly give a cool vibe.

3. Accepting and Embracing Portholes

Let me give you the best first impression design tip – Portholes. For those of you who don’t know what Portholes are, there are basically see-through windows of different shapes carved on the walls. You can add portholes in a dividing wall between any of the two rooms.

It adds an element of richness and style to the wall. Lacquer the part up, and you will find yourself standing in front of an artistic wall. Portholes can be a really decorative piece, especially for a living room. If you want, you can also fix mirrors in the holes.

The choice is yours, but the idea is truly creative.

4. Shine Bright like a Diamond

Had enough of bare walls and want to add a little bling? Get a metallic wallcovering! With the right metallic colors, furniture and placement of objects, you can get yourself a beautiful wall.

The reflective nature of the metallic surface creates an intriguing visual effect under different lighting. A metallic wallcovering will create a dramatic impact, making your walls look glamorous.

Two things to keep in mind while getting a metallic wallpaper is:

1. Choose the right color and finish. There can be numerous colors to choose from, but make sure you make the right decision by selecting a color that matches your interior.

2. Pay close attention to installation. Make sure to hire experts for a seamless, bubble-free and flawless metallic look. A little here and there, and you might just end up getting a different look altogether.

5. Use Mirrors

Mirror is the most underrated element that people use for interior decoration. Mirrored wall panels not only enliven a blank space but also enhance the natural lighting of the room.

If placed correctly, mirrors can make a room feel larger, seem more balanced and appear brighter and more energized. If you have a windowless room, mirrors can be installed on the blank wall. It will instantaneously make the room look brighter and bigger.

Apart from just looking at our faces, there are so many more ways to decorate with mirrors and utilize them to elevate your walls.

6. Make it a Game Wall

With this, I mean there are two different ways in which you can make it a game wall. You can either hang a cupboard full of your favorite games, or you can make the entire wall a game.

Choose the activity that fascinates you. It can be anything from chess, rock climbing, basketball or darts. All you have to do is hang the choice of your game on the wall.

You can also add magnetic strips on the entire wall, paint over it to depict your favorite game and get a few large magnetic pieces to play on game nights.

It is as easy as it sounds. Aren’t these great artistic ideas to spice up your blank walls? Now you don’t have to stare at a boring interior and dull about it.

So, which one would you choose for your blank wall?

By Liliana Alvarez

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