Architecture and engineering are globally relevant sciences that set trends in construction. An architect is capable of planning, projecting, and designing buildings, while an engineer can offer solutions to economic, social, and industrial problems. Among the main trends in engineering and architecture in 2022 are:
Ricardo Gomez Angel
There are many ways you can finance a complete home makeover. You can use your savings, take out a loan, or put the cost on a credit card.
Ralph (Ravi) Kayden (image cover), immo RENOVATION
From The Ground Up presents TETRO's architecture to the world, in all its exclusivity, beauty and sublimity of its creations.
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Tetro Arquitetura
Augusto Custodio
Installing solar panels in your home can seem like a daunting task, but it's actually not that difficult. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of installing and maintaining solar panels in your home. We'll also provide you with some tips to help make the process as easy as possible. So, if you're thinking about installing solar p...
Vanitjan (cover image)
Do you have a lot of equipment you want to store someplace? We share why you should opt for commercial storage units right here.
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Elijah Senolos
Are you looking to sell your property? If so, it's important to make sure that you plan ahead and take the necessary steps to ensure a smooth sale. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most important things to keep in mind when planning to sell a property. We will cover everything from preparing your home for sale to setting the right pri...
Brandon Nelson
Arhead, in collaboration with Theatre of Digital Art (ToDA), the UAE’s hub for digital art, is pleased to announce an open call to creators across the world to participate in its 2022 Digital Extravaganza exhibition in Dubai. They will have the opportunity to see their projects displayed for ToDA’s visitors and in the Metaverse gallery from May 13...
Arhead and Theater of Digital Art (ToDA)
All the buildings that surround us are the products of architects and engineers. Therefore, architecture should be taken seriously. Some students believe that it is too complicated for academic writing.
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Liliana Alvarez