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According to the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States, the average American produces 4.5 pounds of waste a day while globally, we dump 2.12 billion tons of waste every year. While some of this waste is recycled, a lot of it ends up in landfills, either in your backyard or shipped to developing countries to deal with
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Uliana Veremchuk
At Amazing Architecture, we believe that every aspect of a home, including its plumbing system, plays a vital role in creating a truly awe-inspiring space. Embrace the incredible journey of a blocked drain as an opportunity to showcase your ingenuity and commitment to maintaining the beauty and functionality of your architectural creation.
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Liam McDougall
Heavy duty machinery is essential for industries such as manufacturing, agriculture, and construction. The equipment is designed to withstand high workload and gross weight. However, even the sturdiest of machinery will eventually wear down, leading to maintenance and repairs. One crucial aspect of machinery maintenance is finding the right heavy-d...
Written by
Allen Brown
Piki Superstar
The living room is one of the most exciting areas of the home to renovate and redecorate. Here are 6 stylish living room decor ideas to transform your space. You’ll find these tips useful whether you’re a homeowner wanting to maximize your home’s style, or a novice interior decorator looking for inspiration.
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Kayla Gallocher
Embarking on an international move can be an exciting yet daunting experience. The prospect of starting a new chapter in a different country brings with it a sense of adventure and endless possibilities. However, the process of packing and organizing your belongings for international transportation can quickly become overwhelming without proper pla...
Written by
Allen Brown
Mohamed Hassan