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The Best Travel Instagram Story Ideas To Inspire Travelers

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Sarah Andres

If you're a traveler-focused Instagram account, letting your followers see your travel journey can be how you grow. One way you can do this is via Instagram Stories. With their 24-hour limit, there are many ideas you can implement if you know what you're doing. But if you're scratching your head, wondering what travel ideas you should implement, this article can help. So read on to learn more and how you can buy IG views on the BuyTopLikes website.

Anything Involving the Airport

The first Story idea involves you taking photos and videos of your airport journey. You may snap a picture of you going through secutiy, letting your followers relate to the hassle that can be. You can also take a photo of the window view of the plane as it's about to fly off. Showing that you’ve landed safely is also a good Story idea.

Airport-related Stories can tease your next travel journey. Also, with your main travel photos and videos, you probably don't want the getting there process to clog up your feed. Therefore, a Story can be a good way to show you traveling without it staying on your account for too long. It can also remind your audience to check back periodically so that they see more of your travels.

Road Trip Scrapbook

Not everyone who travels will do so via airplane. Some people will be hitting the road for many hours. Your Stories can be a great way for you to show your followers the many stops you'll make. You can show yourself getting some food at a gas station or stopping at a fun restaurant. You may snap a photo of an interesting tour attraction. Showing mile markers is also a great way to tell your audience how long it is until you reach your destination.

Sunrises and Sunsets Work, Too

Another filler post you can put on your Story is the sunrise or sunset. No matter where you're traveling, whether a sandy beach or a snowy mountain, a sunrise can tell your audience that your fun has just begun. On the other hand, a sunset can tell your audience that you're wrapping up a day of fun or even that the real fun is about to begin.

Travel Budgeting

Your Story can show how much money you've spent on hotels, planes, or other travel-related items. You can do this by showing a receipt or screenshots of several digital receipts. Travel budget posts can show your audience just how expensive your travels are. If you're a travel account with a smaller budget, your Story can show your audience that they don't have to spend that much money to have a good time.

Hotel Tours

Once you've made it to your hotel, you may want to show your audience where you're staying. Give them a view of the bed or the living room, or even provide a window view. Alternatively, if you're staying at an Airbnb, show your audience the unique features it has, if applicable. With hotel tours, you don't want to reveal your exact location, but you can give your crowd an idea of where you'll be resting your head when today's journey ends.

Pet Pics

What if you're traveling with your beloved furry friend? Show them enjoying travel, too. Maybe you can snap a photo of your dog sticking its head out of the window. Or show your cat not liking travel too much! Animal photos are always a hit on Instagram, so consider taking a picture of them during your travels.

Passport Photos

If you're traveling abroad, maybe snap a photo of yourself holding your passport. Obviously, you shouldn't show your personal information, but taking a picture of the front of your booklet can show that you’re about to travel to another culture, possibly much further than your usual travels.

Packing Your Bags

Photos of you packing your luggage can be an excellent way to show your followers that you're ready to leave. Or, it can show that your travels are almost over. With bag packing posts, you can even give your travelers packing tips. Many travelers may not know the essentials they should pack and may not know how to use all of their space wisely. This Story idea can be an excellent way to educate your audience and let them pack smarter whenever they want to go on a vacation.

Nature Photos

It doesn't matter where you're traveling; nature photos work. If you're traveling to a place filled with nature, your Stories can be filled with odd fauna, wildlife, or just videos or pictures of you getting lost in nature. If your travels are more city-focused, nature photos can show that visiting nature can be a great way to decompress after the chaos that is urban travel.


Did you purchase an interesting souvenir or find a weird item? Showing photos of your purchases can also be a great way to engage your audience. You may even give the store you bought the item from a shout-out.

Trivia, Quizzes, and Polls

With Stories, stickers can be a great engagement driver. One sticker worth checking out involves quizzes. With the quiz sticker, you can ask your audience a question about the area you're visiting. Your audience can answer the questions and test their knowledge through multiple-choice answers. You can also use quizzes to let your audience guess where you’re traveling next.

A similar sticker is the poll one. With this, you can ask questions that let you know your audience better. You may make a poll about how often your audience travels or if they've visited the place you're visiting. It's a great way to engage with your audience and grow more.

Final Thoughts

These Story ideas can help you engage with your audience and get them pumped for your next adventure. Of course, you should think of your own ideas as well. We hope this article was helpful to you.

By Liliana Alvarez

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