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The roof is the most essential aspect that makes up a house. The construction of this area, therefore, should never be taken lightly. It must always be done with utmost care and precision because even the smallest mistake can lead to a very big problem.
Written by
Allen Brown
KIE, Ben Ruffell, Jean Louis Tosque
This list of impressive listed buildings in London will denote the prominent features and historical values that make these buildings worth listing. From modern and bold architectural designs to decadent and historic architectural designs, London is rich with inspired structures worthy of protection and preservation.
Written by
Jennifer Seene
Fred Moon (cover image), Yulia Chinato, Alex Segre, Richard Bryant, Kim Frewin-Clarke, Steve Cadman
As you are well aware, gardening is a trendy hobby. However, not everyone can have the time to enjoy it. If you have more free time than most, don't wait. Get your garden so that you can get started with gardening. This will help relieve some of the stress in your life and give you something to look forward to each day.
Written by
Allen Brown
Hao Chen (cover image), Eco Warrior Princess, Gary Barnes
If you ever wondered what a 100% eco-friendly school would look like, you have to see the Green School located in Bali. This school’s name speaks for itself. The entire construction of the campus is made of bamboo, which makes it exceptionally sustainable
Written by
David Moore
Luis Gordoa, The School of Visual Arts of Oaxaca (cover image)
From Nordmann fir to silver décor and wooden accent tones, here are the key trends for the upcoming 2021 festive season. If you want to make sure that you get the best Christmas decorations or if you want to learn more about the best trends then this is the guide for you. Take a look below to find out more.
Written by
Mildred Austria
geinlaean.cf (cover image), George Dolgikh
Every home generates waste. Whether it is the kitchen, bathroom, or living space, there are always things that can be recycled to reduce our environmental footprint. This article will give you some tips on dealing with household waste gathered during a construction project so that your house doesn't turn into a disaster area!
Written by
Allen Brown
Gordon Johnson (cover image), LEEROY Agency, Elsemargriet