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If you are a homeowner, you know that property management is essential for maintaining your home. Property management includes all of the tasks and responsibilities necessary to keep your home in good condition. However, property management becomes even more critical if you own a more expensive residence, such as a luxury apartment or condo.
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Allen Brown
R ARCHITECTURE (cover image)
Curtains are a design aspect that may not receive enough attention when designing a home. However, the right choice of these items serves multiple benefits, such as accentuating a living space, providing privacy, and changing light levels. They can also make a room feel significantly larger and cozier while adding texture to a designated living spa...
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Alfie Frenilla
Darren Ahmed Arceo
Spring is a great time to begin working on your home project to-do list but it is true that some projects can get really overwhelming to handle on your own. There are many homeowners who find it more cost-effective to work with a professional to complete some of the organizational and cleaning projects.
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Billi Johnson
When you need to choose between a condo and a house, there are several different factors to take into consideration before making the final step. Sure, condos offer more possibilities, are usually half the price of a house or at least 30% lower, and you are saving money on maintenance you would otherwise spend on house renovations.
Written by
Allen Brown
Miguel Á. Padriñán