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Breathing healthy air is essential for good health. However, the air inside our homes can be more polluted than the outside air. Dust, pet dander, and chemicals from cleaning products and furniture can cause respiratory problems, allergies, and other health issues.
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Macro Vector
Owning a swimming pool is a refreshing luxury, but it comes with the responsibility of regular maintenance. Neglecting your pool can lead to murky waters and potential health hazards. To keep your swimming oasis in top-notch condition, it's crucial to adopt a proactive cleaning routine. Here are six practical cleaning tips to help you maintain a cr...
Written by
Allen Brown
Dim Hou
Embracing sustainability in property development is not only about saving the planet, but also a mutually beneficial approach that gives more value to residents, investors, and other stakeholders. By Louise Clarke, Group Head of Sustainability – Berkeley Group & Adam Demetriou, Director – Berkeley MEA & India.
Written by
Daniel Atallah
Louise Clarke, Group Head of Sustainability – Berkeley Group & Adam Demetriou, Director – Berkeley MEA & India
This journey of renovation isn't just about following trends. It's about personalizing your space and making sustainable choices. You're encouraged to infuse your personality into every corner of your home. Sustainability can be woven into your renovation efforts, ensuring your home is both beautiful and kind to the planet.
Written by
Jane Smith
Life For Stock
In the grand tapestry of high-end property construction, each decision contributes to the opulence and longevity of the final masterpiece. The choice of a roof is not merely a pragmatic one; it's a statement that reverberates through the ages, intertwining elegance, sustainability, and functionality.
Written by
Allen Brown
Benjamin Jopen
Transforming your outdoor space into a stunning oasis is an exciting journey that combines creativity, functionality, and a touch of nature's beauty. Whether you have a sprawling backyard or a cozy balcony, there are numerous ways to enhance your outdoor living experience.
Written by
Allen Brown
Wynand van Poortvliet