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Why You Should Run a Foundation Inspection Every Year

Written by:
Mallory Knee

As a homeowner, you might overlook the significance of your home’s foundation. Nonetheless, an annual foundation inspection can help you maintain the integrity of your home and protect your investment. Let’s explore why you should perform foundation inspections every year.

The Reason for Inspection

Foundation inspections are crucial protective measures for your home. A professional inspector can identify signs of damage, from minor cracks to significant shifts. If left unaddressed, these issues can have disastrous outcomes, including the collapse of your home.

Inspections also help you catch and prevent tree roots from growing beneath your house. This common problem can worsen structural vulnerabilities. By scheduling routine foundation inspections, you can ensure the longevity of your home and curb costly repairs.

Potential Risks

A foundation inspection can expose common risks that harm the structural integrity of your home. You should learn these risks because the foundation is a major part of what makes your home strong.

    - Soil erosion can lead to a shift and cracks in the foundation, diminishing the integrity of your home.

    - Water damage can result in mold growth and compromise the foundation, which can present serious health risks for you and your family.

     - Sediment settlement can cause uneven flooring and cracks in the walls, signaling your home's foundation is in danger.

     - Root growth beneath the home can exert pressure on the foundation, leading to severe structural damage.

Benefits of Early Detection

Early detection plays a big role in preventing foundation damage. Regular inspections can reveal minor issues before they worsen, saving homeowners from the distress and costs of extensive repair work.

For instance, the early detection of tree roots growing beneath the home can save homeowners from potential disasters, such as structural damage. Preventing roots from growing under your home can protect your foundation.

The early detection of soil erosion, sediment settlement, and water damage can prevent additional structural issues. If left unchecked, these issues can lead to shifts and cracks in the foundation, uneven floors and walls, and decreased foundation strength. With regular inspections, homeowners can resolve these issues and maintain the safety of their homes.

We hope you realize the importance of running yearly inspections of your home’s foundation. Foundation assessments are smart preventative measures and investment strategies because they can help you preserve your home's value and safety.

By Stephany Mata Garcia

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